Our Partners

Precious Me is a partner of our Youth Mentoring Collaborative (YMC) Division. The collaborative is comprised of leaders that are running youth organizations within metro Atlanta.

Our partnership with Precious Me is in conjunction with the youth department as a way to build community initiatives to better serve our children in the surrounding area.

Precious Me Inc. is a program partner with our after-school participants who are middle and high school aged girls.

Precious Me Inc. alongside Fulton County’s Department of Senior Services presents Feeding the Desert. Through this partnership our goal is to bring awareness to our vision and mission to the forefront of the Metro Atlanta community and those abroad, as we build the bridge between local businesses, national philanthropies, seniors/youth girls and their supporters.


Precious Me Inc., in partnership with the Gwinnett County Juvenile Court System has combined restorative and mentorship components; academic support; life skills lessons, and positive social development to enhance and to meet the challenging demands of the community’s juvenile justice system population


Precious Me Inc. is a program partner with our after-school participants who are elementary school aged girls.